Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SWW 04-20-2011

This week...

So What if I dont have anything to say so what to...

I know I know short and sweet but really this week there isnt much that I can say I have to spend sometime later this week to post an updated blog.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

SWW!!!! 04-13-11

So what

  • if thisis actually thursday not wednesday I got busy
  • if i am watching greys anatomy (all of them) again for the 5th time
  • if i want to start my own baby registry it is fun helping my best friend do hers and i like to dream
  • if i am proud of the the pretty flowers/weeds growing in in my flower beds (i am not sure what they are)
  • that while my husband thinks of my nieces as being a good form of birth control it makes me want to have children even more
  • if i am excited about going to the park for my nieces birthday
  • if i decided that i am never going to get any older than 25
  • if my whole house is cleaned except for all our dishes and i do mean almost quite literally all our dishes
  • if i have about a months worth of laundry piling up in our laundry room and our bedroom
  • if i am already plannng my one year anniversary and its 6 months away and we have yet to go on our honeymoon
  • if i have a lot of great projects and ideas and some of them are started around the house but none are finished (i think i have a slight touch of a.d.d. when it comes to projects)
  • if i like the house freezing cold even though it means myhubs always wears long sleeves or sits in his office with the air off (yes i keep blankets and sweaters out for him so that he can be in the living room at night)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SWW 04/06/11

This week I am saying so what to...

  • starting this blog on monday
  • finding McDonalds kind of magical (it was as a child)
  • feeling slightly more complete finding Lily's kittens
  • wearing a fake tattoo, my 3 yr old niece picked it out
  • watching Everybody's Baby: The rescue of Jessica McClure
I love writing this weekly blog.