Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 6, 2015

Some New Thoughts...

Just some thoughts that came to me the other day...

Since God/Jesus knows everything, then did He know that Judas was stealing from the treasure/ did He know before He called him that Judas would betray him? ... Just let that sink in...

What an amazing gracious God we serve! He knew that Judas was going to betray him and steal the money and yet He poured his life out literally for him. Jesus did it to give Judas a choice to choose Him. He invested 3 years of his life with constant influence and contact with His betrayer.

How many of us would invest ourselves and spend the majority if not all of your waking hours with someone who you know will sell you out to the very people who want you dead for a measly 30 pieces of silver? That's roughly 600.00 in today's money.

We as God's children and as Christ followers have so much growing to do. It still broke God's heart and it can still break your heart but never give up on someone you love and care for.

How many times are we like Judas though? How many times do we like Judas sell Jesus out for something measly? It can be selling him out for more tv time, more time with friends, more time at work, more time to sleep. How easy is it for us to push off our quiet time or to quiet the Holy Spirit telling us to do something that is out of our comfort zone. I know I am guilty of it. We are no better than Judas if we continually do this and never change. I am not saying that there are sometimes it happens and sometimes unavoidable. Nevertheless our priority should always be Jesus and His mission and passion for the lost and hurting.