Greetings In the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
I (Katie) am writing you today to let you know about some exciting changes happening in Pastor Jeremy and I’s life as well as changes to Jesus Saves International Ministries. We are very excited about the changes coming in the next few months and years.
Personally, Pastor Jeremy and I (Katie) are excited to announce we are moving to Iowa. This was a long thought out process. The idea of moving to Iowa was put on our hearts 3 years ago when we went to visit right before we were married in the fall of 2010. We have patiently waited for doors to open if this was the right decision. Fast forward to June of 2013 and the biggest obstacle standing in our way was removed in such a way that only God could have done it. We are excited to step into this new chapter in our lives and everything that God has for us.
Changes for Jesus Saves are amazing and scary and faith filled all at the same time. The first change is we brought Pastor Juan onto our board of Directors as our Chief Financial Officer. We also are able to hire Pastor Juan as an office assistant. Pastor Juan served as assistant youth pastor at Harvest Christian Center until 2014. He also has several years of ministry experience. Angela will be stepping down from our board after 2 years of faithful service. The biggest change goes hand in hand with us moving to Iowa. Pastor Jeremy and I have been praying about how God would use us in Iowa and the new community we will be in. That’s when God began to lay a vision on our heart for the community and how we can reach out and minister in a very real and tangible way.
The vision God has laid on both of our hearts is to open up a community center. We are looking at a building that is currently empty and has been empty for a couple of years. It is a 10,000+ sq ft building with a gymnasium, commercial kitchen, showers, and several classrooms. It is currently zoned as residential which would allow for “civic” activities. We are currently in contact with a local building official who is helping us figure out what we are allowed to do without having to change the zoning and would allow us to live on the campus. The reasoning for us living on campus is two-fold and that is one to be able to watch over the building and two; security. Also depending on how we purchase the building one option is to use the money from the sale of our house to buy the building which is why we would also live on campus. The second option would be to try and get a grant to purchase the building. Right now we are looking into grants. I have been talking to a friend who wrote grants as a job and they were honest and let us know that it is almost impossible to find grants large enough to purchase the building. We also would like to get a grant that would help with payroll and expenses for the first year or at least until we can gain some income from the community building. The payroll grant would go to Pastor Juan as he is prayerfully considering joining us in Iowa and partnering with us in running the community center. He would also live on campus as the 24 hr maintenance man.
Two things you can do for us right now; Number 1 pray, pray, pray, it’s the most important thing; Number 2 is donate money. We hate always asking for money but unfortunately ministry takes money and God has given us big dreams and visions. We know God can provide for what He calls us to do and we know that ultimately He is who will sustain us. I know God never gives vision without provision. Thank you so much for your prayers we covet them daily. Thank you for your support; your funds go to support sending out our daily devotions right now and also sending out salvation packets via mail or email. We truly couldn’t do it without you. You are our biggest partners.
As always please feel free to email anyone of us with any questions.
Pastor Jeremy:
Katie Empie:
Pastor Juan:
Until All Hear His Name,
Pastor Jeremy & Katie
Pastor Juan