Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 5, 2012

Testing...Testing... Is this thing on?

I know its been an awful long time since I posted anything on here and thought boy it's really time to update the peeps! God answered a major stress factor in our life we sold our van, and if any of you have read previous blogs you know what a headache this van has been. Case and point in January we spent over 500 dollars fixing the brakes not replacing them but fixing them all for the alternator to go out in February. We were just so over it!!!!! We had plans to just trade it in when we purchased our vehicle but we ended up talking to our wheelchair dealer on some specifics for J's new chair and told him that we were planning on trading the van in so we would need the chair to be able to go on a lift on the back of our car. He told us we might get a better deal selling it privately since it is wheelchair accessible, or someone might buy it for a work van especially someone in the wheelchair business. Lo and Behold he was the one who actually bought it and gave us Blue book value (I was happy because blue book was the amount I wanted and didn't think we would get).

We have been waiting for this week for about 2 years now as we would be getting our new vehicle and than we added to that 3 new ac's for the house and paying off a little bit of debt and the last of our wedding debt. We have been able to pay of the little debt still have the wedding debt to go. Anyways thought we would have the money already but the company sending it had computer glitches and so they have had to manually enter it and it looks like we should hopefully have it by Thursday or Friday. We definitely need it here by Friday at the latest as we will be get getting our new ac's this week on Saturday and need to pay the ac man that day. So Prayers are appreciated that it will be handled quickly and efficiently so that we will have that taken care of and be able to get our car as well this week or early next week.

So exciting yet slightly stressful time for us lately. We are also planning a trip to Georgia at the end of the month for baby S's baby dedication at church. Very excited about that and the fact that I get to spend more than one actually day there and that my honey gets to join me on this trip first time he will met baby "S".

Anyways as soon as we get our new car I will be putting some pictures up on here and facebook. Hopefully I will be able to do better at keeping the blog better updated.

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