Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, November 19, 2011


God works in mysterious ways. The hubs and I have talked about getting a second dog for awhile and have gone back and forth on it. A couple of weeks ago a friend on facebook put up that they were wanting to get rid of their dogs because they work so much and the dogs spend so much time in the kennel that they were feeling bad about it and we had decided to wait to get one for awhile but than they put something up again today. I responded that we wanted the little girl dog and we got her today. When they came over the hubs spent time hanging with our friends husband and got to share his heart about the ministry and where we want to go with our home studio and they were such a huge unexpected blessing because of that. So little Roxie ended up being a huge blessing to "J".
Here is Roxie Leigh "E"


  1. She's a cutie! How is Miss Molly taking this?

  2. ms molly is doing okay?! she is experiencing her first heat this week too. So she has been on the enclosed back porch. When I brought Roxie out to the porch to meet her there was a lot of people and stuff going on so that time didn't work so well. I was able to do it again with just me and the two dogs and they were better. I think given a few days they will be good friends. Ms. Roxie thinks she is the top dog though. It will be interesting to see how it plays out and the fact that Molly is a full blooded lab and Roxie is 3/4 dauschand and 1/4 chiuaua big size difference.

  3. two dogs is the best, if they are friends! eby did not take to ernie right away either. give it time.

  4. they are doing better and better. Ms. Roxie still is not fond of eating dog food lol. I had to make a chicken breast and put it in the food processor and than mix it with the dog food and she mostly ate around it and ate the chicken but she ate today which was the first time since saturday morning. Now we are having problems going potty but I am just doing the same things i did with molly keeping her on a leash and going out several times a day and when not home (which is rarely) she goes into her kennel. Last night she went right into her kennel at bed time and we had no problems no crying. She is completely a cuddle bug which is what I wanted.
