Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Grandma Katie?!

Confusing title I know considering to be a grandma you have to have children first and we havent been married long enough to even have children. However we do claim our animals as our four legged children before we put Molly outside we had two stray cats that came to visit and our littlest cat Lily and the male stray cat apparently visited a little to well. In the past couple of weeks I have noticed a rounder belly and more time spent on our back porch sleeping. Right now she is sitting in our animal carrier sleeping (very unusual for her). I would guess that sometime in the next couple of weeks we will be having kittens. So I will be a grandma. Shortly after though be looking for a free kittens post. Jeremy says he will be sad happy to see them go.

On other news, I haven't been sticking to my self-committment to blog everyday. I have been doing much better about blogging and keeping it up. While its been hit and miss with blogging I have done much better with doing my devotions every morning and taking my vitamins which I have to admit makes a big difference in how I feel. I feel like my day is in order more and that I have better successful day with starting it right with my time with God.

The atkins change has kinda gotta thrown out the window. We are changing it up a little by adding more fruits and vegetables and yogurt. We still have pretty much elminated all the sugar in our lives and still most of our carbs like breads and pasta and we also eliminated most of the caffine in our lives with the exception of our morning cup of coffee. We do feel better already with just adding the vitamins and eliminating what we have. It really has made a difference with how I feel. I especially love the difference the B-12 I have been taking. It really boosts my energy. I was having a lot of problems getting up in the morning on time and it was a real struggle no matter how much or how little sleep I got. It made no difference. Well I have been taking the B-12 for about 10 days and everyday I have been sleeping better and been able to get up on time and even early and our mornings have been running even more smoothly. 

In my daily Bible reading I finished Esther and started reading Job and all I can say is maybe we should be a little thankful for the troubles in our lives if we know we have been following God's plan for our lives. Job was a righteous and that was the whole just of why he had everything happen. He was a righteous man that honored God and satan didn't believe he would continue to honor God when everything was taken away and basically he lost everything except for his life. His wife even told him just curse God and die. I mean what was she thinking. I am really learning a lot about Job and although I have known the story my whole life reading it again as an adult and having gone thru what I have it makes me wonder if I have done everything to still honor God in everything I dealt with. Well this is all for now I have taken more than enough of your time to read this. Until next time;


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