Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 23 Pet Peeves

I guess these could be some of my worst habits as well. My number one pet peeve is the way people eat. I can't take it if it makes any noise. It's not just people it's myself as well. I hate the noise I make eating chips or anything crunchy. I try so hard to eat so quietly because it just drives me like irrationally insane. I know it's crazy and I usually don't say much because I know most people don't even know they are doing anything and they aren't that noisy in the first place. I actually did some research and there is a technical name for it; it's called misophonia. I couldn't believe it when I found that out. Maybe thats why I eat so fast and get done so I can get up and not listen.

My other pet peeve is if people offer to help me I like things done the same way I would do it otherwise I will do it all over again. I think this might be more a character flaw of not letting go when needing help. Oh well! I guess it's another thing I need to work on.

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