Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 19 My worst Habits

Oh ouch! My worst habits this is kinda an ouchy blog because nobody wants to point out their flaws or worst anything. I really bad habit and the worst one I have is that I can't say no very easily. It's great for other people because it gets them help. However for Jeremy and I it's bad because I get overcommitted and then I stress out a lot towards Jeremy. I am working on it more now that we have moved and it definitely has made us happier saying no more and more. Saying no doesn't come easy because I like helping people and like putting people before myself and I have learned you can't take care of people or help people if you aren't taking care of yourself and helping yourself. I also learned that everything you say yes to you are saying no to something or someone else. I have decided that I want to say yes more to my husband and no to the unnecessary things. So hopefully this wont be my worst habit for much longer!!!!1

Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 18 What am I afraid of?

This is a loaded question we all have fears. I have some normal fears like spiders; it is a lot better than it was when I was little now its more like I don't care for them not so much a huge fear other than brown recluse spiders. For a long time I have had a crazy fear of taking long car trips with just Jeremy and I. We had a van that was horrible it was always breaking down and we couldn't depend on it at all. We actually got stranded in a little town in Missouri for a week and no one could ever figure out was wrong with our van and it made me so nervous because when it would die it would just die with no warning. We could have been going down the interstate and it was such a safety issue for us. So I had a horrible fear after that. It has taken a long time close to 3 years to get over most of it but i am still hesitate to jump in the car and drive on a trip. I think another fear I have now that we live up north is getting in a bad accident in the winter time. I just don't do a lot of winter driving. I was in a bad accident when I was about 4 or 5 where we hit a patch of black ice. I am thankful though that a lot of my winter driving has just been around town and not any long stretched on the highway especially when its been snowing and icy. I guess thats the major ones. I try hard to not focus on them because they can control your life and I do not want fear to control my life, because the Bible says that God does not give us a spirit of fear.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 17 Favorite Childhood Book!

My favorite childhood book, now thats a tough one. I loved reading as a child. I still love reading even now as an adult. I could read for hours and hours. I will only take me a couple of days of reading if its a good book to finish pretty much any book. The quickest I ever read a book was on a flight.My flight from Pensacola to Atlanta is roughly an hour and half and I read Heaven is for Real in less time than that. So to pick a favorite book is hard. I would say its actually a series of books. It was the Mandie series. They are written by Lois Gladys Sheppard. I think the last time I checked there are roughly 60 books in the series. They run about 150 pgs a book. If anyone knows of any young girls roughly starting around age 8 through age 12 they are a great series of books. Plus they are a christian based book. The story is set in the early 1900's in North Carolina. This is the way they look now. They come in volumes of like 3-5 of the books into one.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 16 Dream Job!

Growing up I have had some different dream jobs. I wanted to be a teacher at one point. Than later a labor and delivery nurse, than it was an oncology nurse. Always in the back of my mind I wanted to be a wife and mom. More specifically I wanted to be married to someone in the ministry. As I have gotten older my dream job as changed to being full time wife and mommy. I have been a full time stay at home wife since marrying Jeremy and hoping that before to much longer the second part of being a stay at home mommy will happen. So I have been living half of my dream job for almost 5 years and I am excited to start the next half when God chooses.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 15 A timeline of my day!

My timeline of my day varies from day to day. So I am going to give you an outline of my week.

Monday: Jeremy has his aide come and help him which makes it an easy day for me. I like to try and catch up on laundry and straighten the house.

Tuesday: It's Jeremy and I all day long. Usually I catch up on anything from I didn't get done on monday or any other day.

Wednesday: Jeremy's aid comes again. I have Bible Study with my Grandma and my aunt during the day. We also have Church on Wednesday night.

Thursday: This has become one of my favorite days. We go over to my grandmas house to play cards and eat dinner with her and my grandpa and a family friend.

Friday: Jeremy's aid comes again. My weekly schedule is fluid in the sense that I might have errands to run or dr appts to take my aunt or my grandma too. I have even started picking up little projects like sewing and my blog and shortly doing a diy on our dining room table.

Saturday: I usually do my lesson plans for childrens church and get ready for church on Sunday.

Sunday; We have church sunday morning and recently we have been going to my grannys house on sunday afternoon after church and lunch. Than its an early relaxing night at home for us.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 14 What is in my handbag?

In my purse as of right now is my Bible, wallet, some receipts, a pen, and some eye drops. I think thats it. However I rarely carry my purse anywhere. I make sure I have it Sunday morning and Wednesday Bible Study. So I have my Bible. However most of the time I just need my wallet and carry it with me most of the time. Not a very interesting purse list. I might also on occasion have a random set of tools and a few straws. Not a long list however thats it.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 13 My Favorite Quote!

I have a lot of quotes I have liked over the years and have used but this particular one has been a favorite currently.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 12 If I won the Lottery

This is kinda an interesting topic considering the recent powerball was $564 million dollars. Whoa! Can you say lots of dough!? Ha I don't even know what I would do with that much money seriously. I know what I could do with maybe around 100 grand. I think the first thing we would do is tithe of it. Jeremy and I made a commitment a few years ago that no matter what any money we get in we tithe off of it. So that takes care of the first thing. Next would be pay off our house and than I would want to splurge and buy me a really nice new car. We would put money into savings a good chunk. We would tithe again off of it to the ministry we run right now that we would give a lot of it away I think in the long run. I would also love to take a nice vacation maybe overseas. Than we would give a lot of the money away to people who needed it mostly I would think it would be close family and friends. I think we would make sure that our household would be taken care of and then kinda go from there. However though it's really hard to win the lotto when you don't play the lotto so heres to pipe dreams.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Day 11 Most Proud Moment.

I don't know that I could just pick one proud moment. I guess what I thinking would actually accumulates a few moments in time. My high school graduation would probably be the first one of my proud moments, than it would be moving into my apartment, than getting married, than selling our house and than buying our house here in Iowa. I think those are my most proud moments because for me it represented so many "adult" life changing moments. I remember getting ready to move into my own apartment and the fear I had about what happens if I fail or I can't do it. However I did it I had my own apartment for 3 years before I meet and married Jeremy. Getting married it was definitely one of the biggest decisions I have ever made. When we decided to move to Iowa and all the stuff that comes with moving it was a big deal. Than going to the bank and getting financing for our house and being able to do that without having to have anyone co sign for us was huge for me and picking out our house and buying it was another proud moment. I think these are the ones that stick out the most because each one of them were the opening and closing of chapters in my life.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 10 First Celebrity Crush...

I was never really someone who had crushes growing up. A lot of the girls my age their crush was JTT and if you around my age no explanation on the initials. For the rest of yall that would be Jonathon Taylor Thomas. However not my thing. I think the first celebrity "crush" I had would have been Heath Ledger. However I wouldn't even really say it was a crush more of that I liked a lot of his work after seeing him in the Patriot. I just never really had crushes on celebrity maybe because I am fairly realistic and I knew that there would be no chances of anything so why have a crush. I had lots of crushes on guys just never really any celebrities.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 9 Piercings and Tattoos?

Well this is going to be a short one. I have my ears pierced and no tattoos. I have had my ears pierced twice and my cartilage pierced twice as well however I had several issues with my cartilage and have had to let both piercings close. Short and sweet and to the point.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 8 An old Picture of me

So you actually you get two older pictures of me. The first one was taken about 6 years ago and the bottom one was taken about 26 years ago. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Day 7 10 favorite Foods

This is an easy one so here it goes in no particular order 10 of my favorite foods

  1. My grannys chicken and veggie alfredo
  2. My mother in laws homemade egg rolls
  3. poppy seed chicken
  4. salad/veggies
  5. strawberries
  6. Bread of Life Bake Shop's chocolate cake seriously this stuff is amazing however only available in Pensacola
  7. Mexican Food non spicy
  8. Kettle Corn popcorn
  9. a good elephant ear from the fair
  10. so this isnt a food but I would say one of my favorite drinks is Lemonade. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 6 3 Personality Traits I am proud of...

Hmm... this one makes me think even more than yesterday.

The first one I would say would be I am fiercely loyal. If you are a friend or family or someone close to me it takes something major that would change my loyalty. I would stick my neck out for you and defend you to the death.

The second one is my inner strength. Many times and many years have gone by and in the past I would say that I wasn't strong but I look back at what I have had to deal with at such a young age that I know that it is God who gives me the inner strength to lean on Him and to have made it through so much.

The third one is that I tend to see the best of anyone. I try to see the best thing about anyone I meet really until that person gives me a reason not to.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Day 5 My Guilty Pleasure

I really had to think about this one and I would say it is getting pedicures. I got my first one about 7 years ago and its been a bad habit ever since. It is so nice to be pampered that way. I love it and I know its an expensive way to get your toenails painted and before I got my first one I would have never ever thought in a million years I would be that girl that spends money doing it. For me it is one way that I can take time for myself and I don't have to go get anyone or go anywhere or be needed it really in that time is all about me. Now that we have moved to Iowa they have definitely not been as frequent but I do enjoy them when we go back to Florida. It's just not the same having your toes done than having to cover them up with tennis shoes or boots. In Florida you can get away with wearing flip flops just about year around.

I would also say in the fast few days another guilty pleasure would be my blog. I have neglected it badly in the almost 5 years I have had it and so I decided this year I would make the time and effort to put into it. Thus the 31 day challenge. I hope to continue doing my blog and maybe will just start doing 30-31 day challenges every month. I have been enjoying the past few days.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 4 Earliest Childhood Memory

My earliest childhood memory...

That is hard I remember the earliest time frame would be when I was around 3 maybe 2 but closer to 3. We lived in the house that my dad grew up in in Cleveland Ohio. I was about 3 1/2 years old when we moved out of that house but I do remember certain things in that house like my bedroom. It had tile floor in it and I would climb up on these shelves my dad made and sit there and many times as I was climbing they would fall over on me and I would cry; eventually my parents would punish me for doing it instead of comforting me because they had told me so many times to stop doing it. I also remember being in the backyard and finding a birds nest in a tree and bringing it in and putting it in a box on our kitchen table and going back later and opening it and looking at it. I also remember getting in a lot of trouble because a friend I had over convinced me to open up my bean bag chair and take all the little beans out of it. Those things are so hard to get cleaned up anyways on carpet let alone on a tile floor. To say my mom was not happy would be an understatement. I don't think that friend was allowed back over if she was we weren't allowed in my room.

In the back yard of this house there was a little house that my dads dad lived in and I remember being in it only once. I do remember though my grandpa came out the door yelling once that if my dad couldn't get our swing set to be quiet and stop squeaking he was going to take his chainsaw to it and cut it down. (my grandpa was a little rough around the edges) I also remember being in my parents room once in that house and a few other vague memories about that time. My memory comes more into play later that year as I got closer to 4. I remember moving over to our new house and helping my mom who was greatly pregnant at the time with my little brother get all my older brothers stuff moved downstairs to his room to make the upstairs room ready for the baby. I have a lot of memories in that house.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 3 ... Meaning of my Business Name.

Well I don't have a business so I decided to change this one up and give the meaning of my name Jeremys name and the names we have picked out for our children.

My Name is Katherine Elizabeth

Katherine means- Pure and consecrated to God
Elizabeth means- Beloved or Oath of God

Jeremy's name is Jeremy Lee

Jeremy means- Exalted of the Lord
Lee means- Pasture or Meadow

We have 3 names picked out for our children

Gideon Jeremiah

Gideon means- Mighty Warrior
Jeremiah means- Whom God has Chosen

Judah Isaiah

Judah means- Praise
Isaiah means- The salvation of the Lord

Zoe Grace

Zoe means- Abundant Life
Grace means- Unmerited Favor

When I was younger I really came to understand that words are powerful and our names are words and that when you name your children to be careful because that is what you are speaking over your child everyday and it can be a curse or a blessing. My mom always said had she realized this before she had us kids that she would have definitely looked and maybe researched more before picking our names but my brothers and I ended up with some powerful meaning names. Since I realized what power names have I researched carefully any names I liked for my kids before I was married. Each one of the names Jeremy and I have picked out have all come to us either from something God spoke to us about our children or out of a time of testing. Jeremy and I are not sure how our children will come to us whether by personal pregnancy or all by adoption but we know that God has powerful plans for all of our children even if there is more than the 3 we have named above. God is in control of our family and we know he will bring the babies when and how many we are suppose to have and give us the wisdom and guidance to raise them and to know when we are done having babies.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

30 by 30 revamped!

Small break from my 31 Day Challenge.

So today I was looking through my pas blog entries and came across this one. I started reading through it and I was like man it has been 2 years and I don't think I can really check any of these off; which makes me sad in a way but I think about these goals and since I am a year away from my 30th birthday I think I can still make some of these happen. So here are some incorporated from the last one and some new ones.

The ones I can think that are pretty much completed are these:

Have the ministry self-sufficient.
       *For the most part it is in fact I can't remember when we last had to pay a bill for the ministry although we are far from where we want to be we are growing by God's grace every month; in fact we have been able to take a small salary from the ministry and also been able to bless people who have been in need a few different times this past year.

Have dream house plans picked out.
       *Funny thing about that. I don't think Jeremy and I will ever build a house but we bought a dream house in August of '14, so I think I can consider this one done.

Buy new pots and pans.
       *Did this for my christmas present 2013. Definitely needed to do this.

Buy a mac laptop
       *I am pretty sure we bought a mac laptop since writing this list, however it was a used one and I don't even know where it is because it had to be plugged in all the time and we just didnt have a good place to put a laptop that had to be plugged in all the time at this point.

Buy a never been driven before totally new vehicle.
       *The plan for this one is to have it bought in the next couple of months. So this one is half way done. we have the car picked out just waiting to get the rest of the money and we will be good to go.

4 1/2 out of 30 kinda stinks, so heres to a better year of accomplishment. Maybe cutting down too on my list for now will help. I can always add to it later

  • Walk a 5K
  • See Jeremy healed (that one is out of my control and in God's hands)
  • Become a notary
  • Get my florist license
  • Read 25 new books that I have never read so any suggestions appreciated
  • Start the adoption process
  • Get Healthy
  • Plan a vacation to somewhere we have never been
  • Go to Ohio
  • Update wedding rings for each other
  • Finish getting the house unpacked and painted/decorated
  • Read the Bible 6 times
  • learn to knit
  • learn to crochet more
  • Build our savings
  • develop new friendships
  • Blog at least 10x a month
  • Try a new recipe every week

Day 2... 20 Facts About Me!

  1. Today is my birthday 2-11 I am 29 years old
  2. I have 5 siblings
  3. I love to read anything and everything (seriously I would read the cereal boxes in the morning just so I could read something as a kid)
  4. I have been married for 5 years this October
  5. When I was little I named my pets after food (popcorn the goldfish, and pancakes the cat)
  6. I currently live the farthest north of all my siblings
  7. I am horrible at being surprised doesn't matter I always figure it out (just ask Jeremy) I think the only time he really surprised me was our first married Christmas he bought me a necklace and I wasn't expecting it
  8. Molly is the first dog that I have ever owned
  9. I use to want 10 kids now 4 is the most I think I want
  10. I have always wanted to open and own my own florist shop
  11. I was 16 when my little sister was born (I always wanted a sister growing up; I had severe denial when my little brother was in his way)
  12. I am the second oldest female in my family (only my granny is older than myself)
  13. I graduated as salutatorian of my high school class (it was awarded on a point system and I just barely missed valedictorian) 
  14. I have moved 13 times in 29 years and none of it was for the military
  15. I am the 3rd generation of my dads side of the family to be born in America (my great grandpa came over from Ireland before my grandpa was ever born)
  16. I have always wanted to adopt 
  17. I was a pastors kid
  18. I love my in-laws (no messy mother in law/daughter in law drama here)
  19. I want to travel to Ireland (dream vacation)
  20. I once wrote a multi chapter childrens book about a bear named macaroni and a little girl lost in the woods.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

31 Day challenge... Day 1 introduction

So starting off my 31 day challenge. Day one is an introduction

How to introduce myself...Well yall know my name so lets skip that step. LOL Well just a little background I was born in Michigan, but I have lived in Ohio, Florida, and Iowa. I have been married for almost 4 1/2 years to Jeremy and we live in Iowa with our dog Molly. We moved here in June of 2014. I love being back up north and Jeremy loves living here for the first time in his life. He was born and raised in Florida where we moved from. My parents and older brother and younger sisters and Jeremy's parents still live there.

Since moving to Iowa I have rediscovered some of my favorite diy projects. Things like sewing and photography, and I started working on our dining room table to strip it and refinish it. It definitely needs some TLC.Well I guess thats a good introduction for now... Keep checking back for the rest of my 31 day challenge.

Monday, February 9, 2015

 So to help get my creative writing juices flowing I am doing a 1 day challenge. After searching online I found a list on pinterest. So if you guys are having any writers block heres my list that I am going with. To give credit from where I got it I got it from here and here.

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Real Deal...

So 15 minutes before you head out the door to church is not the greatest time to start a blog post but hey you grab the time you get and for me its very far and few between. I read blogs all the time from women who have full time jobs, kids, full time jobs with kids, some have full time jobs, kids, and go to school full time or part time, and here I am sitting here married with a dog. Like "Okay Katie get it together there are women out there that are doing more things and blog way more. However I know that everyone's situation is different and people make different priorities (not saying anything bad about making blogging a priority). I have been so encouraged lately though by a blog that I don't even remember how I found but it has done my heart so much good because its the real deal. Click here to read it Dana has had so many encouraging posts that have done so much good for my heart and soul and lets me know I am not alone. However it has also challenged me to become the Real Deal. To reach out and talk more about our marriage and the obstacles that come with it and the way we have to do things differently and to know I am not crazy to feel overwhelmed with things arise. In an interdependent marriage someone is left with a bigger load to carry and even if you have a health aid it doesn't necessarily eliminate it all. Sometimes you just get overwhelmed.

For Jeremy and I we really haven't had any consistency other than be crazy busy and having people live with us since we have been married. I think out of 3 1/2 years we have had 6 months were it was just us in the house us and the dog. However consistency is key in a marriage like ours I am sure in others too but I can only speak for my marriage. Things I have learned in the past 4 years (with an interdependent marriage) is that you have to keep a very loose schedule which doesn't really work in our able bodied focused world. While we strive to keep to a schedule and not run late its always when something major happens like a wire breaks, body functions go awry yes tmi but our marriage has been a journey has included a ton of tmi moments. Another thing is that no matter what as the able bodied partner you have two wear 2 different hats you have to wear a caretaker hat and you have to wear the spouse hat. There are so many times that it is hard or impossible to switch from caretaker to spouse in a heartbeat.

Obviously a lot of time has passed since this blog was first started and so much has changed since this. We have sold our house moved across the country and bought a house and are settling in. We also hired an aide for Jeremy. It has been wonderful and it has really helped our marriage a lot. I am not having to switch hats so often any more and its been nice to feel some doors open again that I thought had been shut forever without an aid. I still plan on being the real deal in my blogs and living a more transparent life in regards to a interdependent marriage. For now though I just will post this and leave it at that.

Blog Revamp

Time to revamp my blog. Not sure what I will be doing or where it will be going. However I know that blogging will become important to me again. See yall soon!